
Recommended Resources

Over time, I've collected lots of resources on various topics that I highly recommend. These collections are living documents and by no means complete. They are intended as starting points to continuously learn more.

  • Inclusion. This is for everyone. Literally the base to build on.
  • Testing and Quality. Lots of resources I found very valuable on my journey when it comes to testing and quality.
  • Security. Valuable resources on all things cybersecurity.
  • Exploratory Testing. Resources for my workshops on exploratory testing.
  • Technical Confidence. Resources for my workshop "Grow Your Technical Confidence".
  • Collaboration. My collection of valuable resources all around collaboration, including working as a pair or an ensemble (aka mob / swarm).
  • Leadership. This resource collection is recommended for everyone who wants to learn about leadership.
  • Speaking at Conferences. My personal advice on all things speaking at conferences.