Leadership is for everyone. It can take many forms: lateral, temporary, role-based, and more. Be aware that we are not talking about management and disciplinary responsibilities here, yet about leadership. Everyone can lead.
The resources collected on this page are recommended for everyone who wants to learn about leadership. They might not seem related to leadership at first glance, yet in my experience they proved time and time again that they are deeply connected to leadership, and they accompanied me well on my own leadership journey. I'm sharing them in the hope that they will provide value to other people as well.
Credit where credit is due: A lot of what I learned about leadership, I learned from and with Shiva Krishnan. Shiva, thank you so much for being on this journey with me.
The following structure presents how Shiva and I navigate the complex topic of leadership. As usually, categories are artificial, incomplete, and meant for first sensemaking only. Keep in mind that things are way more complex and topics overlap by nature.
One of the central ways Shiva and I think about leadership is in terms of "Me, Us, Environment". All of below listed topics and resources can be reflected and acted on from all these perspectives.
- Me: Who you are is how you lead. Leadership starts with ourselves. Reflecting on our own behaviors, understanding why we do things like we, what our values and needs are. Knowing ourselves enables us to lead ourselves as well as others effectively.
- Us: Leadership is about relationships. In most cases, we lead other people. Learning how to build effective relationships as well as foster and deepen them is key to anything we want to achieve together.
- Environment: Impact over intention. We can use leadership skills for shaping our surrounding systems, growing the garden, setting the scene. When nurturing a culture for people, it's important to come from good intentions, yet even more crucial to consider the impact of our actions on the people affected as well as the system itself.
- Foundations
- Open Communication
- Motivation
- Influence
- Failure
- Conflict
- Leadership in Today's World
- More Resources
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: This whole topic deserved a separate resource page. You can find the collection here: Inclusion.
- Psychological Safety: This topic is covered by the following subsection of the Inclusion resource page: Psychological Safety.
Open Communication
- Contracting (concept from Transactional Analysis)
- Setting Up the Coaching Contract by Julie Hay
- Contracting for Learning by Julie Hay
- Contracts and contractual communication by Renny Slade
- Contracting - Transactional Analysis
- Transactional Analysis| Contracting matrix - Charlotte Sills
- Putting the fish on the table
- Embrace conflict – Put the fish on the table by George Kohlrieser
- How to Manage Conflict: Six Essentials from Hostage Negotiations to the Boardroom by George Kohlrieser
- Put the Fish on the Table! by Sridhar Ganesh
- Mandatory Greatness: Put The Fish On The Table And Let Everyone Smell It
- Put the Fish on the Table! by Thomas Gelmi
- More
- Recognition and strokes (concept from Transactional Analysis)
- Transactional Analysis - Strokes by Manu Melwin Joy
- Strokes #1 - Transactional Analysis Basics & Strokes #2 - Transactional Analysis Basics
- Transactional Analysis Strokes And The Stroke Economy (Claude Steiner)
- Feeling good… the need for strokes! by Nicole Addis
- Stroke economy
- Feedback
- The Situation-Behavior-Impact-Feedback Framework by Thaisa Fernandes
- The Feedback Fallacy by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall
- The Hardest Feedback I’ve Ever Received, Part 1 and Part 2 with Barrett Guillen
- What Managers Get Wrong About Feedback
- How We’re Fooled By Statistics by Derek Muller
- 2 Feedback Methods That Will Make You An Amazing Boss by Kevin Kruse
- Sponsorship
- What Does Sponsorship Look Like? by Lara Hogan
- Mentor, coach, sponsor: a guide to developing engineers by Neha Batra
- Habits
- Atomic Habits, Part 1 and Part 2 with James Clear
- Habits and Productivity with Charles Duhigg
- More
- Power bases
- The Bases of Power and the Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence by Bertram H. Raven
- Power Bases: A Great Tool for the Leadership Coach by Katie Best
- French and Raven's Bases of Power
- French and Raven: Social Power Bases in Organizations
- More
- Typologies of Power by Tom Geraghty
- Episode 10: Making the Grade by Dr. Laurie Santos (on the problem with extrinsic reward systems)
- A Software Tester’s Guide To Influence by Kwesi Peterson
- Woody Zuill: The Best Leader Is the One Who Leads Without Authority
- The reality of being a Principal Engineer by Silvia Botros
- Power Bends Light by Emily Nakashima
- On Leadership, Power, Authority & Bullies - pt 1 by Pete Walen
- Leadership Isn’t a Role, It’s a Series of Behaviors by Julie Diamond
- How to become an informal leader by Jess Ingrassellino
- Working styles, drivers and allower messages (concept from Transactional Analysis)
- Working It Out At Work Understanding Attitudes And Building Relationships by Julie Hay
- Transactional Analysis Drivers. Which One Are You?
- The power of Permissions – breaking free from limiting mindsets
- Life scripts
- Learning and experimentation
- Strategies for Learning from Failure by Amy Edmondson
- Dr. Amy Edmondson: The Science of Failing Well
- The Continuous Improvement Canvas by Willem Larsen
- Probably not by Liz Keogh
- Yes, and… by Liz Keogh
- Leading your engineering team with ‘experiments’ not ‘processes’ by Cate Huston
- Nothing I wouldn’t take on myself… by Alex Schladebeck
- Experiments, bets and probes by Tom Geraghty
- More
- Leaders, Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About Your Fears and Anxieties by Lauren C. Howe, Jochen I. Menges, and John Monks
- Blame by Tom Geraghty
- Drama triangle (concept from Transactional Analysis)
- The Three Faces of Victim – An Overview of the Victim Triangle by Lynne Forrest
- Transactional Analysis 3: Karpman Drama Triangle and the Winner's Triangle #LewisPsychology
- Nutshell: How to escape the Drama Triangle
- No More Stressful Relationships - The Transactional Analysis Drama Triangle
- The New Drama Triangles by Stephen Karpman
- Ok ok corral (concept from Transactional Analysis)
- Transactional Analysis Life Positions (The OK Corral)
- OK Corral Grid for What’s Happening by Franklin H. Ernst
- Transactional Analysis Life positions
- Attitudes & Behavior - The Onion Model
- More
- Meeting Resistance and Moving Forward by Linda Rising
- Don't Argue with Sleepwalkers by Fiona Charles
- Creating conflict is not a great environment for learning (Twitter thread) by Marco Rogers
- Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — and That’s Why They Perform Better by David Rock, Heidi Grant, and Jacqui Grey
- If you want a truly equitable workplace, you must get over fear of conflict by Mimi Fox Melton and Karla Monterroso
- Team Toxins and Team Conflict by Jake Calabrese
- Hard to Say I’m Sorry by Jonathan Cohen
Leadership in Today's World
- Resonant leaders
- What Is Great Leadership? by Richard Boyatzis
- Resonant Leaders Create Experiences of Hope, Compassion, and Mindfulness by Richard Boyatzis
- Richard Boyatzis - What is Effective Leadership by Richard Boyatzis
- The Power of Resonant Leadership
- Mindfulness, Hope and Compassion: A Leader's Road Map to Renewal by Annie McKee, Frances Johnston, Richard Massimilian
- Host leadership
- Six roles for a Host Leader by Mark McKergow and Helen Bailey
- Four positions for a Host Leader
- Host Leader: the metaphor of the Leader as a Host
- Leadership: the Hero, the Servant, and the Host
- Host leadership intro by Mark McKergow
- Host Leadership - why"hosting" is an important type of leadership | Mark McKergow | TEDxKazimierz
- More
- The Heart of Daring Leadership with Brené Brown
- Dare to Lead podcast by Brené Brown
- Practical Agile Test Leadership by Selena Delesie
- The New Rules of Leadership with Abby Wambach
- The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek
- How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek
- Episode 2: Reconnect With the Moment by Dr. Laurie Santos
- A Manager’s Guide to Helping Teams Face Down Uncertainty, Burnout and Perfectionism
More Resources
- Change
- More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen by Mary Lynn Manns (author), Linda Rising (Author)
- Tweet: 20 things I've learned over the years as a systems (over)thinker by John Cutler
- The power of positive transformation by Heidi Waterhouse
- Trust
- BRAVING Trust, Part 1 and Part 2 with Barrett Guillen
- Trust: Building, Maintaining, and Restoring It with Charles Feltman
- Systems thinking
- Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows (author), Diana Wright (editor)
- Leading in crisis
- Managers: What Do You Do When Your Teammate Shares Their Grief? by Lara Hogan
- How to step up in the face of disaster by Caitria O'Neill and Morgan O'Neill
- More
- Impact Players with Liz Wiseman
- Perfect team-players: why orchestras reflect the best of us, and how they should reflect us back by Charles Hazlewood
- Building Resilient Organizations by Maurice Mitchell
- Radio Free XP: The Difference between Kind and Nice with Elisabeth Hendrickson
- The Art of Delegation by Jill Wetzler