The blog post to make a new personal challenge public is usually the most exciting to write. The first post afterwards to share progress is usually the most difficult. Once that initial one is out of the way, I often have a better hunch on what I want to share in what way, whether I use a template for structure or not, how refined the post should be, and so on.
That's exactly why I literally just sat down to type whatever comes into my head at that moment in time. And I intended to share it, as rough and raw as I could allow it to be. I did go over it once more, yet kept in mind that there's more value in sharing early than in over-polishing.
The first month of my new "Calm and Steady" personal challenge is coming to an end. Here's what I've done so far, what worked and what didn't, and the insights I gained.
Journaling Using a Template for the Win
I knew I would need some way to track what I'm doing so I can look back and decide on potential course corrections. Additionally, I am well aware that I think in writing - so I like to write to think. Putting words down in writing often help me realize things better than any other way. That's why I set out to start journaling not only for work, but also for personal endeavors like this.
I've made a conscious choice not to get lost in tooling paralysis but pick the first tool that could possibly work. I needed something that allowed me to get started quickly without hassle yet won't block future migrations. For this case, I tried Notion. It never really matched my needs before, yet using it for a month now I can say it was totally worth making this call. Fast, easy, synced, editable everywhere, not too constrained, and I can just export my notes in markdown and move somewhere else whenever I want to.
Next, I created a template for my daily journal page. I've iterated over this a few times now and just adapted it to what I needed. Having a few sections available meant I could focus my time on the actual content and still check boxes I wanted to evaluate later on. I also made a deliberate choice to have only few free text sections and the rest quickly interactive checkboxes and buttons to save time and lower the burden to do this daily. Here are my current template sections:
- Thoughts: anything noteworthy I want to record or reflect on.
- Practice or Theory: what small step I took today to make steady progress.
- Joy just for the Sake of Joy: whatever I did just for myself, where joy was the self-purpose.
- Needs Covered: which of my daily or less regular needs I've satisfied today.
- Voice of My Inner Critic: how calm or loud my inner critic got and why.
- Mood of the Day: how I've perceived the day overall.
- Sunday Joy Check: whether what I'm doing still brings me joy or I should change anything.
Turns out, this worked surprisingly well for me! It's been giving my thoughts both structure and freedom. I have a daily reminder to fill it, and I actually did so every day. Nice.
Enough Options, not too Many
Based on initial ideation, I chose to start the following topics which provide a mix of theory and practice, solo and social time.
- Read "Threats: What Every Engineer Should Learn From Star Wars" by Adam Shostack. I have a pile of potentially awesome books on my reading list, and I know it takes me long time to go through any of them. This is the book on the top of my pile, so I finally started it. Didn't make much progress yet, but it's been insightful already.
- Write my own flashcards with concepts I come across. Doing so, I followed my original idea to cater to my brain's needs. I started an Anki deck to which I added any terms and concepts I encountered during my daily work on topics. It still grows organically. I wondered when to start learning using these cards in a regular manner to memorize the concepts. I tried the mechanism once as a proof of concept which was already helpful. I think I'll continue building the deck a bit further before I introduce a regular routine.
- Explore the Exercism C# track. I like the platform's way of introducing language concepts and allowing you to practice in steps, as well as see other folks' solutions and improve yours iteratively. My upcoming role has a focus on the .NET platform with which I haven't had many touch points yet, and I'm curious about concepts and conventions in C#.
- Solve Hack the Box labs. I just love these security puzzles to practice. I'm still a newbie and there's much to learn, so this involves going through frustration until you either have the eureka moment or the humbleness to look things up and learn by following walkthroughs. Yet any little step equips you better for the next, and it's just fun. Also, it's a great one to do socially together and I'm glad I had great company during this month.
- Found a CTF team. It's been on my list for 1.5 years, and guess what? It's now happening indeed! I have a small group of folks who are still interested to join me in this experiment. Once I have a hunch on my work schedule rhythm, I'll organize first informal practice sessions and we'll see where it leads us.
- Do Semgrep Academy courses. Back when Tanya Janca offered her We Hack Purple courses, I've already enjoyed the AppSec Level Foundation 1 course. Now it was time to complete level 2 and 3 as well. They were validating of what I already know, filling gaps of what I didn't know yet, and they equipped me with tangible advice for real work situations. Hence, I decided to continue with the other free courses offered, like on secure coding.
Turns out, the variety of topics helps me go with my energies each day. At the same time, I've also realized I've reached the limit of topics in focus at the same time. I hope to finish some the next month to maintain flexibility to change my way based on new learnings.
Same applies to my "joy for the sake of joy" bucket. I draw from a good variety of things I love doing as I go, depending on whatever I'm up to at any given day.
Spotting Behavioral Patterns
In the beginning, I've been quite diligent with keeping my joy topics going every day. I did notice how much I limited time for these things, though, or that I usually put them at the end of the day after everything else was done (business before pleasure and such). In the last weeks, I've once again started to neglect them completely, prioritizing everything else. The things I do for this challenge still bring me joy, yet that's a known pattern that I need to be very cautious about and take deliberate action against.
On a positive note, I've been way better in keeping my needs satisfied. Not super great, but way better than last year. Having my needs as part of my journaling template really helps me not to lose sight of them.
I've identified a detractor I didn't expect: social media. It probably sounds like an obvious one to many, yet I've been rather constrained about it most of the times. That being said, the last months my social media time got really out of hand. I'm spread across too many platforms and formats these days, I didn't filter content enough, and I didn't prioritize my time for the most valuable places. I've started experimenting with a few course corrections in order to get back to a sustainable pace and still get the value out of social media without getting drawn in. Healthy boundaries and such.
Once more, I've realized that I need to tackle smaller tasks and quick wins first to free up headspace and gain momentum to manage bigger ones. Not to feel paralyzing overwhelm and staying in a state of anxiousness, but instead taking action to re-gain a state of calmness.
Going Steady, but Keeping Calm?
Looking back, my inner critic was doing quite a great job this month. The inner voices mostly kept calm and rightfully so. Only rarely they flagged something, mostly valid concerns. It's been a good, restful and rather calm month in general, which made it easier. Yet practicing while being in good shape can help prepare a lot for wilder times.
I've also learned a few things based on the concerns my inner critic alerted me on.
An alert might feel overwhelming at first, loud and noisy. It might seem unhelpful in the moment. I might only learn if it was valid or not in hindsight. And still there might be something important going on, something to learn from. This happened to me during a volleyball game I had this month (yes, the inner critic also applies to other areas in life). I made the decision to take myself out of the game, hoping to give us a winning chance - my critic was loud in that moment in all possible ways. A week later my coach gave me invaluable feedback that my decision had indeed been a good one for the team and how it showed maturity. In hindsight, my critic was letting me do the right thing yet I wouldn't have needed to doubt my decision.
Whenever I just rush do things quickly and get them out of the way, I fall back to automated thinking and approaches I’ve used most times before. Yet those don't work well when I'm confronted with a new domain or challenge I don't solve every day. Which means, rushing when trying to navigate less experienced terrain makes my critic go loud. To find good solutions (that don’t need to take long either), I need to take some time and calm space, really look at the problem at hand, and think about how to approach it. That’s the frame in which I can make use of other knowledge and pieces of the puzzle I already have that aren't automated yet. Therefore, a reminder to myself: use system 2 to think slowly about problems and you have all your tools available to solve them.
Picking up puzzle pieces as I go sometimes feels really slow (hello, critic!). And yet it proved to be an invaluable approach for me during my whole career. This month, I've learned once again that gathering pieces together with others can turn out to become really valuable for them as well. It's worth it and we all get better as we go. I need to stay patient.
In conclusion, all this helps me see my inner critic in another light. I already knew I could learn from it rationally, and now I have further evidence including the emotional experience. That insight alone was already worth starting this whole challenge. I hope to turn it into further calmness. Also, I'm curious how things will play out the next month when I'm starting at a new company, in a new role. Stay tuned!