The resources collected on this page are recommended for everyone. I consider them insightful and invaluable on our journey to learn how to grow an inclusive society, an inclusive culture at work, an inclusive culture at home, and basically everywhere in the world.
The following categories are artificial, incomplete, and meant for first sensemaking only. Keep in mind that things are way more complex and topics overlap by their nature.
- Systems of Oppression
- Privilege
- Bias
- Impact over Intention
- Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Culture
- Psychological Safety
- Code of Conducts
Systems of Oppression
Racism: White Supremacy
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- Seeing White by Scene On Radio
- 13th by Ava DuVernay
- When They See Us by Ava DuVernay
- Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen: aber wissen sollten (German) by Alice Hasters
- Deutschland Schwarz Weiß: Der alltägliche Rassismus (German) by Noah Sow
- The Bias of ‘Professionalism’ Standards by Aysa Gray
- What Several Black People Told One White Person About Racism by Mihal Freinquel
- Save the Tears: White Woman's Guide & White Guyde To The Galaxy by Tatiana Mac
- #10: Should white people use white skin tone emojis?
- How Can We Win
- Dismantling White Supremacy And The 5 Stages of Grief by Kim Crayton
- People of Color Learn at a Young Age That They Must Be Twice as Good. Now White People Need to Be Twice as Kind by Savala Trepczynski
- "All Lives Matter"? Not Until Black Ones Do by Alex Kapitan
- Voice Recognition Still Has Significant Race and Gender Biases
- Thread: the difference between being ‘offended’ and being ‘harmed’ by Brian Anderson
- Thread: the choice to align with or against it by A. R. Moxon
- Resources for Self-Education and Allyship by Angela Riggs
- A very simple but powerful question by Jane Elliot
- Don’t be mad you don’t have a movement. Be happy you don’t need one. by 574whitegirl
- All houses matter by Kris Straub
- We are what we do _repeatedly._ by Tatiana Mac
- Learning versus experiencing by Ahmed Ali
- When decent people fear the police, the system is broken by Martin Fowler
- Thread: Racism is... by Faye Salins
- Thread: How we prepared for having the Why-You-Should-Care-About-Other-People talk with family by Ronnie Chen
- Thread: A story of going to the emergency room by Erica Joy
- Dear fellow white ladies by Claire Wyckoff
- Hey Employers: Do Black Lives Matter? by Pariss Chandler
- Thread: Backlash by TrooperSJP
- Thread: On language by Tatiana Mac
- The minute you disagree or challenge them by Kristy Tillman
- Thread: Change of wording by Mislav Marohnić
- Thread: On drastically different treatment by Krista Vernoff
- Thread: Find the Black people who are unimpressed by you by Brittney Cooper
- Thread: The "Althea Test" by Anjuan Simmons
- Yes, 'Black' is capitalized when we're talking about race by George M. Johnson
- Thread: "The lives of black people are precious." by Sue Chung
- Thread: Allowing the asymmetry by Chad Wathington
- Thread: Imagine this by Eugene Daniels
- The Tech Industry’s Missed Opportunity: Funding Black Women Founders by Bärí A. Williams
- Why It’s So Difficult For Minority Women To Find Mentors by Vivian Giang
- Thread: People should stop saying how many people police kill each year by Michael Harriot
- Dear White People, Stop Gaslighting Us, We didn’t “Imagine” Racism by Diya
- What’s missing from corporate statements on racial injustice? The real cause of racism. by Amber M. Hamilton
- Why there's not such thing as white pride by Michael Mc
- Assembly’s anti-racism guide for girls by Kwolanne Felix
- Megan Thee Stallion: Why I Speak Up for Black Women by Megan Thee Stallion
- Thread: What will it take for you to hold other white men accountable for their harmful actions? by Aniyia Williams
- Just in Case by A.D. Carson
- How colonialism has shaped beauty standards in Indonesia by Aninda Annisa
- How To Be An Antiracist – A Strategy [Rebroadcast] by Kim Crayton
- White supremacy explained by Melody Stanford Martin
- Myers-Briggs was developed by two white supremacist eugenicists by Aditya Mukerjee
- Thread: mechanical racism by Michael Harriot
- The cycle of (in)action by Danielle Coke
- Racism Defined
- The Unequal Opportunity Race by Erica Pinto
- “I’m really not a racist but..” by Charles Dale
- If Emojis Can Be Flirty They Can Also Be Racist by Sara Goldstein
- Thread: micro-aggressions against black people by @dykequin
- Racism explained by a white man by Russel
- White guys in a conversation by Marco Rogers
- Demystifying dog whistle racism by Nic Subtirelu
- We Need to Talk About Digital Blackface in Reaction GIFs by Lauren Michele Jackson
- Dear white people, we need to talk about diversity and inclusion by Gabor Javorszky
- What Is Misogynoir?: Unpacking The Intersectional Layers Of Racism And Misogyny by Shawrina Salam
- The Whiteness of Mastodon with Dr. Johnathan Flowers
Sexism & Genderism: Heteropatriarchy
- Nonsexist language
- It’s OK To Use “They” To Describe One Person: Here’s Why
- How to be an ally to Non-binary folk in tech
- I wore a T-Shirt demanding Inclusivity at a Tech Conference and this is what happened by Markus Tacker
- MEN by Scene On Radio
- Purl | Pixar SparkShorts
- OPPRESSED MAJORITY (Majorité Opprimée English), by Eleonore Pourriat
- Understanding Non-Binary People: How to Be Respectful and Supportive
- Designing forms for gender diversity and inclusion by Sabrina Fonseca
- Coding Future Coders by Angie Jones
- Brie Code: Love Drugs by Brie Code
- LGBTQ-inclusive web design by Hampus Sethfors
- WSC 2018: Competitive Debate, Gendered Speech Patterns and the Tech Industry by Denise Yu
- On the Design of Women’s Spaces by Kat Marchán
- Mansplaining, Explained by Sarah Mirk and Alexanda Beguez
- How to do better at getting new pronouns right by @ENBi0USAIN
- Non-binary employees by Project Include
- Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work? by Olga Khazan
- When a guy says ‘She’s asking for it’ by BBC Three
- Women in Tech Speak Frankly on Culture of Harassment by Katie Benner
- Real Men Might Get Made Fun Of by Lindy West
- If You Can't Retain Women, Don't Recruit Them by Kate Buckholz
- 'Ladies' Is Gender Neutral by Alice Goldfuss
- Thread: How hard it is to be trans in the UK by Jay Hulme
- You Aren’t Owed An Audience For Your Feedback by Kent Beck
- GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Transgender by GLAAD
- The UX of deadnaming by Vale Melvin Querini
- You should’ve asked by Emma Clit
- The Consequences by Emma Clit
- It’s not ideal, but … by Emma Clit
- Dear Men — These 8 Statements Are Offensive, Whether You Mean It or Not by Samantha Blake
- Pronouns: Creating Safe Spaces by Katrina Kibben
- So your friend came out as non-binary: here’s how to use pronouns they/them by Poppy Noor
- 5 Non-Binary People Explain What “Non-Binary” Means To Them
- Finally, Clearly Different by Noel Wurst
- Special Episode: The one about why gender roles and biases matter by The Everything Else Podcast
- Twelve small actions with big impact for Generation Equality by UN Women
- Can we cure toxic male culture? | Sammy J (S4 Ep5)
- I'm the parent of a trans kid. I want to clarify what that means by Jesse Thorn
- Why I have a gender-neutral Alpaca by Teri Baines
- Couldjafukennot
- Growing Up Intersex
- Thread: trans struggle for bathroom access by Lee Shevek
- I Am Neither by Kathia Ramos
- Why I'm Not One of the Guys by Eevis Panula
- Why women in tech are so angry all the time by Emily Kager
- You Guys by Baron Schwartz
- Woman vs. Female by Raven J. James
- 9 ways to be kinder to trans people by Nočnica Fee
- 100 Easy Ways to Make Women's Lives More Bearable by Dani Beckett
- LGBT+ History, with Alex Herbert
- Rethinking Greetings: Why “Hi Guys” Isn’t Inclusive by Maria Kedemo
- Contemplations on AIDS day 2023 by Gitte Klitgaard
- The Iceberg Model: towards unraveling our patriarchal legacy by Matt Wynne
- The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman by Irene Y. Zhang
- Ableism/Language
- Person First or Identity First Language
- What disabled means by Imani Barbarin
- Thread: Accessibility in all its forms should be as commonplace as eyeglasses by Amanda Leduc
- A11y Coffee by Amberley
- The Main Problem with Disability is it’s Such a Conversation Killer by Anne Currie
- Talk about inclusive design by Paul Boag
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1
- Case study: Disabled people by Project Include
- Laziness Does Not Exist - But unseen barriers do by Devon Price
- My name is Wil Wheaton. I live with chronic Depression, and I am not ashamed. by Wil Wheaton
- Tweet: Please don’t be afraid to use the word disabled by Melissa Blake
- Why You Need to Stop Using These Words and Phrases by Rakshitha Arni Ravishankar
- Disability Language Guide by Labib Rahman
- Breaking the Taboo – What I Learned from Talking about Mental Health in the Workplace by Sophie Küster
- There are no rules. Run the dishwasher twice. by alex
- For those who are new to disability discourse around language and identity by Imani Barbarin
- Thread: A list of common symptoms of ADHD or Autism that are not talked about enough by @roryreckons
- People repeatedly refuse to acknowledge I'm #blind & this is part of #ableism by Haben Girma
- Kimberlé Crenshaw: What is Intersectionality?
- Intro to Intersectionality by Taryn Crenshaw
- What is intersectionality? by Peter Hopkins
- Sprache und Sein (German) by Kübra Gümüsay
- Some thoughts on diversity by Ron Jeffries
- The problem with that equity vs. equality graphic you’re using
- Words Matter: Finally, Tech Looks at Removing Exclusionary Language by Jennifer Riggins
- Allyship is a choice by Michelle Kim
- On language by Tatiana Mac
- Tips on calling out people by Tatiana Mac
- No, We Won’t Calm Down – Tone Policing Is Just Another Way to Protect Privilege
- Self-Defined by Tatiana Mac (examples)
- Let me be your white saviour … please! by Mike Talks
- Why all your inclusion efforts fail by Abadesi Osunsade
- Everything we say is based on our perspectives by Tatiana Mac
- An argument against "Every single term is offensive to someone" by Romeu Moura
- Thread: Last year, I counted 150 tweets from tech bros’ by Tatiana Mac
- See all humans considered human by Micro SF/F stories
- Why The Gender Leadership Gap Is So Much Worse For Women Of Color by Lydia Dishman
- Legos and the 4 I's of Oppression by Eliana Pipes
- Thread: Perception bombs by Mekka Okereke
- How to Be a Better Ally by The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos
- Some questions I’ve been asking myself before I act on and offline by Tatiana Mac
- Tatiana Mac: “System of Systems” — Clarity 2019 by Tatiana Mac
- Thread: The process to address big and small harms can be quite simple by Aniyia Williams
- The difference between inequality, equality, equity and justice
- Thread: selective allyship and the role hero worship plays in holding people accountable for causing harm by Kurt Kemple
- Thread: Oppressors, oppressed and the use of language by Tatiana Mac
- Thread: A skill I wish more majoritised people would learn is using their privilege to speak up for tangible changes to policies and practices in their workplaces by Tatiana Mac
- Thread: a world to live in - understanding structural oppression by @RookieKE
- What exactly is a microaggression? by Jenée Desmond-Harris
- A message to allies... by Arlan Hamilton
- A thread about Reply Guys by Sooz Kempner
- Deconstructing Privilege - Patricia Aas [C++ on Sea 2019] by Patricia Aas
- Privilege/Class/Social Inequalities Explained in a $100 Race - Please Watch to the End. Thanks.
- DDDDD: Bourdieu's social theory applied to tech by Romeu Moura
- Agility should pay attention to Sociology by Romeu Moura
- Understanding white privilege: 20 everyday examples by Ella Alexander
- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
- My White Friend Asked Me on Facebook to Explain White Privilege. I Decided to Be Honest by Lori Lakin Hutcherson
- Swimming in Privilege by Andy Dunn
- Lending Privilege by Anjuan Simmons, as well as related Q&A part 1 and part 2
- Taking steps toward greater inclusivity by Laura Hilliger
- White privilege by Dr J Harrison
- What is white privilege? by John Amaechi
- Tweet: The table has been tilted for me all my life by Kent Beck
- Thread: White ppl (like me!) get more access, and more benefit of the doubt. by Heather Lynn Rose Jo'neill
- Why It's Important to Think About Privilege — and Why It's Hard by Kathleen Ebbitt
- What Is White Privilege, Really? by Cory Collins
- I Wanted to Know What White Men Thought About Their Privilege. So I Asked. by Claudia Rankine
- Spin The Wheel of Power & Privilege [Marginalization & Intersectionality]
- On intersectionality - a wheel of power/privilege adaption by Nadinda Rachmat
- Thread: Some people have a hard time recognizing privilege by Marie Beecham
- Poor in Tech by Meg Elison
- Privilege—I've got it. by Ron Jeffries
- Project Implicit - Implicit Bias Tests
- Kahneman, Daniel (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow
- Wikipedia's list of cognitive biases
- Rational Wiki's list of cognitive biases
- Data fallacies to avoid
- Overcome These 5 Biases to be a Better Leader
- Regression to the Mean
- There is no spoon! by Gem Hill speaking with Maaike Brinkhof
- 12 Cognitive Biases Explained - How to Think Better and More Logically Removing Bias
- Removing Bias from AI and Machine Learning with Camille Eddy
- The Impostor Effect vs Dunning-Kruger by Matt Simmons
Impact over Intention
- How “Good Intent” Undermines Diversity and Inclusion by Annalee Flower Horne
- It’s not about intent of the harmer. It’s about impact on the harmed. by Tatiana Mac
- Understanding Intent vs Impact by Fatima Dainkeh
- Intent vs. Impact: 5 examples of how your support for Black lives (or lack thereof) may be causing harm by Fatima Dainkeh
- Intent vs. Impact: The Communication Disconnect
- Thread: how "assuming good intent" gives bad behavior a pass by Tiffani Ashley Bell
- Hard to Say I’m Sorry by Jonathan Cohen
- What is Accountability?
Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Culture
- Project Include: Recommendations & Case Studies
- "I Am Not A Cultural Fit - One Black Woman’s Account Through The Tech World" by Ash Coleman: slides, sketchnote
- We Don't Do That Here by Aja Hammerly
- Technical? Non-Technical? Both! by Andrea Goulet
- Diversity Vs. Inclusion In The Tech Industry by Dwayne Codling
- Culture Is More Than A Mindset - Agile Testing Days by Ash Coleman and Keith Klain
- Should I Use the Adjective "Diverse"? by Alex Kapitan
- Not Applicable: What Your Job Post is Really Saying by Coraline Ada Ehmke
- "Althea Test" (thread) by Anjuan Simmons
- DiversityMediocrityIllusion by Martin Fowler
- Inclusion Starts With I
- Changing Group Behavior with Small Actions: Inclusion Thing of the Week by Cody Sehl
- The Focus Is Still Not On Women and People of Color… by Ash Coleman
- Business & Ally Newsletter by Diversify Tech, built by Veni Kunche
- Why Is the Onus on Women to Curb Workplace Interruptions? by Tasneem Raja
- Workplaces must give moms space to pump breast milk. Women share what it’s really like. by Amy Joyce
- Inclusion matters: Diversity matters, Common inclusion problems & How to increase inclusion? by Lina Zubyte
- Thread: What's the business case for diversity? by Anjuan Simmons
- Thread: On small notes that can breed microaggressions and systematically exclude marginalised people by Tatiana Mac
- Thread: accountability by Aniyia Williams
- Tweet and all responses and quotes: What’s something that FEELS like diversity and inclusion in tech but isn’t? by Veni Kunche
- The Other Side of Diversity by Erica Joy
- Women are drowning in unpaid labor at home. Stop making them do it at work by Minda Harts, Sarah Lacy and Eve Rodsky
- What Does Sponsorship Look Like? by Lara Hogan
- Mentor, coach, sponsor: a guide to developing engineers by Neha Batra
- Belonging: A Conversation about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion by Krys
- Creating a Trans-Inclusive Workplace by Christian N. Thoroughgood, Katina B. Sawyer, and Jennica R. Webster
- Social Justice Theater: What It Is, and How to Do Better by Bryan Nwafor
- Allyship - The Key To Unlocking The Power Of Diversity by Sheree Atcheson
- Allyship by The Anti-Oppression Network
- A New Way to Combat Bias at Work
- Alphabet Workers Union by Kim Crayton
- #13 | What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? Jessy Halison, Engineering Manager @ Ecosia by Alex Bloisi & Jessy Halison
- Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome by Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey
- The problem with that new equity vs. equality cartoon you’re sharing. by Richard Leong
- Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — and That’s Why They Perform Better by David Rock, Heidi Grant, and Jacqui Grey
- On Belonging with Abadesi Osunsade
- Ash Coleman - Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace by Quality Sense Podcast
- 135: Intentional Learning with Saron Yitbarek
- Thread: how to approach inclusion by Chelsea Troy
- Belonging begins with discomfort: Building and measuring equity in tech with Abadesi Osunsade
- Thread: improving diversity in AI, or in tech in general by Rachel Thomas
- Why Tech Is Still Toxic for Women (and What to Do About it) by Jennifer Riggins
- #56: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Tech
- The Oxymoron of “Data-Driven Innovation” by Chelsea Troy
- Imposter Syndrome with Jodi-Ann Burey & Ruchika Tulshyan
- Atlassian Boosted Its Female Technical Hires By 80% — Here’s How
- Words Matter - Alternatives for Charged Terminology in the Computing Profession
- Thread on meritocracy by John Burn-Murdoch
- Inclusion on Purpose with Ruchika Tulshyan (Dare to Lead podcast)
- From Visibility to Representation – Rethinking DEI by Cate Huston
- Psychological Safety, Diversity & Inclusion. by Tom Geraghty
- Culturally Competent Computer Scientists with Dr. Nicki Washington
Psychological Safety
- Stanford Medicine X 2017: Opening Keynote Address by Amy Edmondson
- How to turn a group of strangers into a team by Amy Edmondson
- "but does that mean that we cannot be ourselves?", "Is it just for perfect humans?", "are ppl always happy?" (thread) by Gitte Klitgaard
- Engineering a culture of psychological safety by John Looney
- Yes, Type Safety is awesome, but have you tried psychological safety? by Roman Sachse
- Psychological safety and inclusion in agile teams – pair blogg #5 by Lena Pejgan Wiberg
- Rana & Amy Edmondson: How to Boost Team Performance Using Psychological Safety
- Software Crafts Podcast: Interview with Gitte Klitgaard
- Gitte Klitgaard: Making Space For Psychological Safety in Software Teams by Maintainable Software Podcast
- #PsychologicalSafety, Venn diagram edition by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy
- Psychological Safety is Not an Absence of Fear by Kate Arms
- Free survey to check your psychological safety within a team you belong to
- S3E7 Psychological Safety @Work – Myth busting! with Tom Geraghty
- Toot: Talking about intersectionality, privilege, and equity by Tom Geraghty
- Chasing Psychological Safety podcast: S1E1 - Inaugural Special Episode with the Godmother of Psychological Safety in Technology Gitte Klitgaard
- Psychological Safety in the Workplace with Tom Geraghty – Episode 282
- Top 10 Ways to Foster Psychological Safety in the Workplace by Tom Geraghty
- Psychological Safety and Neurodiversity by Tom Geraghty
- Building Psychological Safety Upwards by Tom Geraghty
- The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychological Safety by Tom Geraghty
- Psychological Safety Doesn’t Mean Feeling Comfortable by Tom Geraghty
- Blame by Tom Geraghty
- Creating 'Psychological Safety' with Psychsafety founder Tom Geraghty S4#12