My personal challenge for 2023 was to connect with security folks. I believed that joining and actively participating in at least one security community for a period of six months will increase my understanding of practical application security in everyday work situations. Follow the links to see how it went.
Blog Posts
- The origin story: New Year, New Pact - Time for Another Personal Challenge
- AskAppSec - On Late Beginnings, Distracting Struggles and Finding Community
- AskAppSec - Gaining Momentum
- AskAppSec - Input Validation
- AskAppSec - Painless Usable Security
- AskAppSec - Security Champions
- AskAppSec - BSides Munich 2023
- AskAppSec - Dependency Updates
- AskAppSec - Capturing Flags
- The conclusion: AskAppSec - Finding Closure
During this challenge, I created a dedicated page of recommended resources on all things cybersecurity. These helped me, and I hope they help other people as well.