When I started out my AskAppSec challenge, I've asked around for recommendations on communities and conferences in the security space. Jay Harris encouraged me to look for a local BSides event as in his experience these were usually friendly, welcoming and a great opportunity to network. Now that I've attended my first one with BSides Munich, I can only confirm that impression! Just loved it.
Workshop Day
The advantage of local events is that no travel is required. The downside, however, that you have to commute to get there in the first place. This turned out quite tedious with public transport and its quirks, construction works, emergencies, and so on. Additionally, getting up very early compared to my usual working days meant I was already tired on arrival. And I was nervous! As with any new conference I'm at, I never know what awaits me and how I'll deal with that. It got better over time as I've been to tons of conferences. And yet, the anxious excitement keeps coming back, especially if I don't know anyone from the community yet who could offer a safe space. This time I got lucky as Claudius Link was coming. We met at SoCraTes, even gave sessions together this year, and we've just started planning an initiative for next year (stay tuned). In any case, it's really helpful to have a familiar face in the crowd!
On arriving, registration was smooth without any hassle, organizers and volunteers friendly and helpful, and I was positively surprised about the welcoming breakfast offered. In general, food was excellent and plenty throughout the day, including a variety to choose from for people having different needs and preferences. This makes an event already more inclusive and it's a detail I do pay attention to in order to gauge the overall spirit and atmosphere.
This first day was dedicated to workshops only. I noticed how few people were around. The workshop tickets were gone very quickly, yet there was lots of space. Super sad to see, especially considering the whole event being free. People reserving tickets yet not showing up meant they took away the opportunity from others who would have participated. Kudos to organizers who reminded folks frequently upfront to kindly give tickets back when realizing they couldn't come.
There were plenty of workshops to choose from, covering lots of interesting topics. For me, Claudia Ully's full-day workshop "The Hitchhacker's Guide to the Mobile Galaxy" was a clear winner as I want to dive deeper into mobile security and I can use the gained knowledge at work. I was not disappointed at all, this workshop was amazing! I loved how smooth the setup was, especially given that mobile has lots of requirements. It was awesome that while there is quite some theory needed to get everybody on a shared page to start from, the focus was on hands-on exercises. Claudia encouraged us to join forces, help each other and ask questions, which really made this a safe space to learn. The content was structured in a way that made it very accessible for people not having experience in the mobile space yet, while also providing lots of technical details valuable for people who came with prior knowledge. We went from mobile history and basics to Android specifics, static analysis, reverse engineering, to a discourse on iOS, to hooking into things with Frida and objection. And all that in the theme of Douglas Adam's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"! Claudia even had a "42 - Don't Panic" towel with her, how cool is that? If you ever have the chance to catch one of her workshops, do it - fully recommended.
After such a full day of learning, I was pretty tired - and yet didn't want to miss the chance of socializing. Hence, I joined Claudius and a friend of his for drinks to conclude the day in great company.
Conference Day
The second day came, the main part of the conference with a program full of talks. And a whole lot more people! Same here, registration was quick, organization smooth, food was plenty and the venue a great choice, too. Lots of friendly and helpful organizers and volunteers around, and amazing speakers with a variety of topics to learn from.
The program consisted of two tracks which presented a difficult choice. Here's an overview of the talks I've picked.
Keynote "The Seven Sins. And Virtues. Of IT Security. And how they affect our
world." by Mario Heiderich. The conference theme was all around the 7 SYNs. What would the seven sins look like in cybersecurity, and what about the seven virtues? Mario's conclusion resonated with me: we cannot jump to the ideal state, yet we can take small steps and continue to learn.
"(In)direct Syscalls: A journey from high to low" by Daniel Feichter. This talk dove right into the technicalities of Windows system calls and how red teamers can make use of them to bypass system controls. Packed full of details for a complex topic, this talk could only scratch the surface given the limited time. Daniel encouraged everyone to try it out and consume further material on the topic.
"SOC Analyst’s Arsenal: Essential Tools, Tips and Tricks for Effective
Investigations" by Samuel Kavaler. A talk full of hands-on advice and tool recommendations for the everyday work of a SOC Analyst. For people in different roles like me, it's been also interesting to learn which kinds of tools are used and for what reasons.
"Bio-Lock The future and ethics around DNA Cryptography" by Tayla Sellschop. Cryptography is a whole topic in itself, yet what if we bring DNA into play? It offers a large storage space, while also not requiring as much computing power and hence power consumption, so it could become a sustainable solution in the future. On the other hand, there are a bunch of problems attached to using your own personal DNA - how would we feel about data breaches then? Yet as Tayla demonstrated, our DNA is already everywhere!
"Secure containers - Do component reduction strategies fix your container
security nightmares?" by Michael Wager and Michael Helwig. Really interesting overview of how we could tackle container security by using "distroless" images, only containing the application and its runtime dependencies without any other operating system programs. They are a lot more secure and less open to vulnerabilities, so why not make them the new default? At the same time, they also have disadvantages that might make them less attractive in their current state. Interesting topic to look into further.
"Christmas Hancitor Campaign" by Artem Artemov. Loved this talk showcasing how proactive identification of threat actors and their victims can help prevent impact. Great storytelling of the investigation of a curious case and the actions taken to reveal more information until the puzzle pieces finally fell into their places and harm could be prevented. Incident response does not always have to happen in hindsight, it can start way earlier!
"What We’ve Learned from Exposing Atlassian on the Internet: In-Depth
Analysis from an Offensive Perspective" by Oleksandr Kazymyrov. A great story of "what would happen if..." and what you can learn from it to improve a system. Relevant for everyone having services publicly exposed to the internet behind SSO. Loved the testing mindset of always going a step further to identify what else can be accessed publicly and misused in an impactful way.
"DevSecOps culture" by Ali Yazdani. This talk resonated a lot with me, from misconceptions shared to the cultural mindset shift required - I've seen this over and over again when working in testing and quality! Especially loved the emphasis on easing clear communication across roles as well as solving a problem together hands-on, no matter your role.
"My CI/CD pipeline contains all security tools available! Now what...?" by Jasmin Mair. Another awesome talk where I just kept nodding! How many times have I heard some variation of "let's add some more tools" to solve a problem or satisfy a demand. Yet without the respective culture change nothing is solved just by having more tools. People need to learn the tooling, understand findings and figure out how to work towards a better outcome. Jasmin encouraged everyone to see it from a developer's perspective, being overwhelmed with hundreds of tools, each with their own interface and quirks, with every tool adding complexity and pain points. She made clear that proper tool evaluation and adoption is an investment and will take time, yet it's worth it.
Keynote "Security by design" by Ana Oprea. The closing keynote draw a full circle to the opening one, also referring to the conference theme of 7 SYNS and how we can foster the virtues. Ana drew a connection between security and reliability and how designing for one of those aspects can help the other one and vice versa. I also liked that Ana emphasized risk assessment considerations and recommended techniques like threat modelling. She reminded us that people won't always realize they are a target or underestimate adversaries and their driving motivations.
By the way, slides can already be found on the website, and talk recordings will be published soon.
As I was taking sketchnotes, my biggest challenge was to switch rooms as there were often no breaks scheduled in between talks. It somehow worked out yet was more stressful than I hoped for, and it was strange to leave during questions, missing the answers. On the other hand, the breaks that had been scheduled worked out nicely. The program offered quick ones sufficient for bio breaks, and longer ones to digest what we've heard, refuel with nourishment, and connect with people.
The folks I talked with were really friendly and welcoming. Special thanks to Ben Wandel, Claudius Link, Sebastian Porst and Sergio A. Figueroa for our great lunch table! In general, I didn't notice much condescending behavior or being frowned upon due to aspects like my role or gender. I observed quite some diversity with this regard among the participants. Representation was even higher among the organizer and volunteer group, and it nicely showed in the conference concept and program.
This conference is driven by community and you can feel it. It was organized with care, ran smoothly, people appreciated the offer and seemed to have a good time. All this provided as a free event. Kudos to organizers and volunteers, thanks to sponsors for making this possible!
I went home with my mind being full of all the things I've learned, my soul with all the new connections I've made, and my heart with the feeling that this is yet another place and community for me to become truly part of and belong to.
This definitely won't be my last BSides Munich and BSides event in general, I'm already looking forward to future ones. So, my first security conference was awesome - what are your recommendations for the next?
UPDATE: Fahri Korkmaz also wrote a blog post about BSides Munich. He shared lots of notes of talks I didn't attend, plus a lot more details on talks I did. Really worth checking it out and diving in deeper!
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