Blog Posts
- The origin story: My Pact for 2020 - Let the Next Challenge Begin
- #SecurityStories: Threat Modeling
- #SecurityStories: Ethical Hacking Courses Revisited
- #SecurityStories: OWASP Virtual AppSec Days
- #SecurityStories: Using OWASP Juice Shop for Teaching
- The conclusion: #SecurityStories: Summing Up
People I've Managed to Reach
Here are the people who have confirmed that they learned something new from me in the area of information security.
- Peter Kofler (threat modeling)
- Simon Berner (threat modeling, OWASP Juice Shop)
- Parveen Khan (OWASP Juice Shop)
- Gil Zilberfeld (OWASP Juice Shop, creating awareness for building security into a product during development)
If you learned something new in the area of information security from this series, please let me know by leaving a comment on the respective post or sending me a direct message on Twitter. Your feedback is much appreciated.